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How To Choose A Good Web Hosting Provider
Choosing a good hosting service is very important step to help you launch your website successfully. It cost a lot of time and effort, but if you pay attention to these points below, we believe you can easily choose a best web host provider for your perfect online presence
Customer Reviews
You should read customer reviews of hosting providers well before choosing any web hosting provider. Based on information from customer reviews, you can collect some initial information like rankings, price, promotions, features... Reviews also help you shorten a list of best web hosting sites that suits your needs.
Technical Specifications
First, you must determine how many disk space and bandwidth that you need for your website. If the website contains a lot of graphics, contents and will attract a lot of traffic, you absolutely need a large bandwidth and disk space. Unlimited plans are the best choice.
In contrast, if your site is simple and will not generate nay traffic in future, you should choose a cheap shared hosting with smaller disk space and bandwidth.
Keep compatibility in mind, too. In the excitement of looking for a web hosting provider, you might overlook an important thing: the types of operating systems that hosting provider offers: Windows, Linux or Unix... The type of operating system has to fit with your website coding, if not, your website can not run well.
Reliability and availability are other factors that you should consider when shopping around for web hosting services. A good hosting provider usually offers availability rates higher 80 percent. This is frequently referred to as “Uptime”. Spend your time to research the real uptime, because you will not be happy if your site just can be online few times a day.
Security is also a major concern. Choosing a web hosting provider without learning about its available security features is a big mistake. Things like firewalls, daily backups and user authentication should all be included. It would be nice if you can receive notifications whenever changes are made because they can alert you to suspicious activities.
In addition, a good web hosting plan will include at least a few basic marketing credit extras. If you're running an online store, look for providers that offer e-commerce solutions. If you'd like to be able to perform fast and easy updates, look for a provider that offers content management systems…
Some people choose web hosting providers strictly based on price. That's not a great strategy, but you should definitely take pricing into consideration. Low prices are always great, but if the low price comes with limits on space or bandwidth, you want to make sure the deal is really worth it.
Best web hosts usually offer options for every budget. In some cases, signing up for long subscriptions will qualify you for extra discounts.
Customer Service
You must consider the customer service of every hosting provider before choosing any of their services. It's good to know that customer support is always available and free whenever you need it. Confirm that the web hosting provider has 24/7 support. Then, make sure there are several and effective ways to get support, for example, via email, phone and online chat... If you don't have time to do your own research, spend time to read our top 10 web hosting reviews.
* The promotional price applies for first month or first term only, after which then-current pricing shall apply. Please check hosting provider websites for details and terms & conditions